W boson: it’s heavy stuff!

The french radio show “La méthode scientifique” features “Boson W : c’est du lourd !” (*) with Jan Stark, CNRS researcher at L2IT.

What are bosons? What part do they play in the Standard Model? How were they theorized? What measurements have been made to determine the mass of the W boson? And what about its real mass?

To answer these questions and understand the impact of the latest results from the measurement of the W boson’s mass on our understanding of the world around us, (re)listen to the May 3 broadcast LA MÉTHODE SCIENTIFIQUE of france culture with Jan Stark, CNRS research director and director of the laboratoire des 2 Infinis – Toulouse, and Maarten Boonekamp, research director at the CEA’s Institut de Recherche sur les lois fondamentales de l’univers in Saclay.

(*) “W boson: it’s heavy stuff!”

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