For the last lecture, students and teacher are happy! They all had a great time!
The first semester of the Particle Physics lectures in the master PEnTE of the l’University Toulouse III – Paul Sabatier is over! For the first time, the students following the master PEnTE could choose a dedicated lecture in Particle Physics, offered by L2IT members (Dr. Joany Manjarrés, junior chair professor at the University Toulouse III – Paul Sabatier, assisted by Dr. Jan Stark in the tutorial classes, research director at CNRS).
During the lectures, the students had the opportunity to learn about the irreducibly smallest detectable particles and the irreducibly fundamental force fields necessary to explain them. The lectures followed the road of how the Standard Model of particle physics theory was built, showcasing the very need theory-experimentalist exchange, and brought the students to the current status of research and all the still open questions about the nature of our Universe.
To finish the lectures the students even got their hands-on experimental ATLAS data and performed their own data analysis (using the ATLAS Open data).